New Kazakhstan vs. Old Schemes: Combating Official Misconduct and Protecting Businesses

4 Ноября 2024
New Kazakhstan vs. Old Schemes: Combating Official Misconduct and Protecting Businesses

Based on the Charter of the General Assembly of the Interstate Agency for Special Investigations and Anti-Corruption dated May 10, 2018, the Interstate Confederation of Mass Media, operating within the Agency, continues to conduct continuous monitoring of such situations and promptly responds to citizens' requests, regardless of the country in which events occur. The Confederation unites media outlets from various countries that share the ideology of combating official misconduct and focus on covering socially significant issues, creating public resonance to address urgent problems. We are confident that the timely and objective consideration of these issues will help reduce social tension and strengthen public trust in state institutions.


Updated: 10.10.24 The Prosecutor's Office has initiated pre-trial proceedings against Ashikhanov N.A. and other individuals under Article 365, Part 2, Clause 4 of the Criminal Code.

04.11.24 It is reported that representatives of Ashikhanov continue to hold property belonging to the affected party.

Confidential sources indicate a high likelihood of possible pressure on witnesses regarding the self-governance case, including potential distortions of facts, such as reports of Ashikhanov demanding a 51% share of the PG restaurant chain and pressuring witnesses to refrain from testifying. This information is currently under monitoring and requires further verification.

Commentary: Abdygapparova. O

New Kazakhstan vs. Old Schemes: Combating Official Misconduct and Protecting Businesses.

I have often spoken about the fact that we live in new realities, in a New Kazakhstan! And this time, I was heard by the General Prosecutor’s Office. A pre-trial proceeding has been registered under Article 365, Part 2, Clause 4 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan. This means that a criminal case has been initiated regarding “...the unlawful interference by an official, using their official authority against the interests of service to harm other individuals or organizations, or to obtain benefits and advantages for themselves or others, if this has caused significant harm to the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations, or to the legally protected interests of society…”

And this also means that: One cannot come into an active, ongoing business, gather employees, hold meetings, and provide QR codes of unrelated companies where the revenue from the business should now be directed! One cannot remove employees from their workplaces in the middle of a workday! One cannot seize someone else’s property! One cannot destroy someone else's business that has been built over decades!  

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