Kazakhstan. The Prosecutor's Office has initiated a pre-investigation against Ashikhanov N.A. and other individuals under Article 365, Part 2, Point 4 of the Criminal Code.

15 Октября 2024
Kazakhstan. The Prosecutor's Office has initiated a pre-investigation against Ashikhanov N.A. and other individuals under Article 365, Part 2, Point 4 of the Criminal Code.

Operational Summary #Kazakhstan #Corruption #Self-Government #Ashikhanov

Thanks to the efforts of the Prosecutor General's Office, we have managed to initiate a pre-investigation in relation to Ashikhanov N.A. and other individuals under Article 365, Part 2, Point 4 of the Criminal Code. We express our gratitude to the staff of the Prosecutor General's Office for their professionalism and prompt response to our request. We continue to closely monitor the progress of the case to ensure justice is restored and to prevent any potential attempts to conceal facts or evade responsibility by those involved.

Press Service of the Specialized International Detective and Legal Service "Eurasia-Pol" named after General V.N. Mamaev, Interstate Agency for Special Investigations and Anti-Corruption.

Interstate Socio-Political Journal of Expert Investigations "World Community": Certificate EL No. FS 77 - 8426.

Interstate Information Agency for Expert Investigations "World Community": Certificate IA No. FS 77 - 8424.

Official Registration: International. Paris Center ISSN 2224-0942 (online).


Article 365, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) pertains to crimes related to self-government.

Part 2. Self-governing actions committed:

  • by a group of persons in preliminary conspiracy or by an organized group,
  • with the use of violence or the threat of its use,
  • or resulting in significant damage to citizens or organizations.

Point 4:

  • resulting in significant damage to citizens or organizations. 

Criminal Liability and Punishment under Article 365, Part 2, Paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For committing an offense under Article 365, Part 2, Paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following types of criminal liability and punishment are provided:

  1. Imprisonment:

    • A person found guilty may be sentenced to up to 7 years of imprisonment.
  2. Deprivation of the Right to Hold Certain Positions:

    • The guilty party may be deprived of the right to hold certain positions or engage in specific activities for a period of up to 3 years.
  3. Confiscation of Property:

    • If it is proven that the property was acquired through criminal means or is associated with the crime, the court may order its confiscation.
    • Confiscation is applied as an additional measure of punishment alongside imprisonment and the prohibition of professional activity.
  4. Fine:

    • As an alternative or additional punishment, a fine may be imposed equivalent to the income over a specific period, if it aligns with the circumstances of the case.

Confiscation of Property

  • In cases where the crime was committed for the purpose of personal enrichment or obtaining material gain, the court has the right to order the confiscation of property obtained illegally.
  • Confiscation is used as an additional measure of punishment and is applied alongside imprisonment and the prohibition of holding certain positions to ensure full compensation for the damage caused by criminal actions.

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